About Queen B Cards
Hi!! I’m Bianca Boldisteanu, a Transylvanian-born, newly 30 die-hard Torontonian and I'm your Custom Card BFF. I make thoughtful AF cards and gifts for / from ~millennials, specializing in custom digital portraits and modern, playful and relatable greeting cards!

Over the past couple of years I've gone from being a Deloitte CA/CPA to a rebrand consultant to now an entrepreneur and digital artist. If you asked me what my favourite subject was in high school, I would *think* Art class, but I thought I was supposed to say something “smart” like Math or Econ so that I could get a “real job”. For ~10 years, I pushed my creativity to the side, telling myself that making pretty PPT decks at my corporate job was enough of an outlet. It all came to a head during the lulls of the COVID-19 lockdown - all that free time at home (while my boyfriend was immersed in the newly-released Call of Duty Warzone) led me to Amazon on exactly March 17, 2020 to grab some watercolour paints to start doodling. That turned into making painted cards for friends, then picking up an iPad and self-teaching how to use Procreate for digital art portraits, and so Queen B Cards was born!!

Not only was Queen B Cards my chance to use my right brain for good, but I saw entrepreneurship (though not without its own unique set of stressors) as an opportunity to leave behind the client service corporate life that had brought me increasing amounts of anxiety, hopelessness and feelings of not being satisfied with my life even though I had done “all the right things” that had been expected of me by my parents and peers.
Emboldened by the Great Resignation, I quit my rebrand consulting job in August 2021 started part-time as a contractor, and otherwise dedicate myself to Queen B Cards. I run my one-woman show out of my small 570 sq.ft. condo in downtown Toronto – somehow packed with 3 printers, all my supplies and inventory, and my now fiancé who also works from home – it is crowded but I feel so lucky to wake up every day and work on something that I love (often into the wee hours).
One of my favourite things is that I offer local curbside pick up in Downtown Toronto – this is how I get the chance to meet so many of my customers in person, learn about you and ask for feedback – it’s the best part of my day😊

Let's chat! :)
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me - I would love to hear from you and create something meaningful and beautiful together!